Actions Mod Cabinetry May Take

At Mod Cabinetry, our guiding principle is simple yet powerful: “Civility puts the Good in Business.” This principle is the foundation of our interactions, fostering decency and cooperation in every exchange. However, when the core tenets of civility and professionalism are not upheld, we must take steps to realign these interactions.

If you engage in behaviors that are rude, hostile, or otherwise violate our commitment to civility, we have the following measures at our disposal:

  1. Verbal Warning: Our first step is to notify you that your behavior is not in line with our civility standards, giving you an opportunity to adjust your conduct.
  2. Written Notice: Should inappropriate behavior continue, we will issue a formal written notice documenting the incident and outlining the necessary changes to restore respectful communication.
  3. Service Limitation: In cases of persistent hostility or aggression, we may temporarily suspend or limit our services to you until a constructive dialogue can be reestablished.
  4. Termination of Service: For severe or repeated breaches, we reserve the right to terminate our business relationship entirely, ensuring the safety and well-being of our team members and other clients.
  5. Legal Action: In situations of extreme nature, like threats, physical violence, or malicious financial activities, we will engage law enforcement and take legal measures to safeguard our employees and business operations.

We believe in upholding civility and professionalism. These actions are designed not only to safeguard our employees but also to maintain a positive and productive environment for all our customers. Thank you for understanding and helping us keep Mod Cabinetry a place where civility thrives.